Thursday, January 10, 2008

Its Up to You, New Dork, New... Dork....

I have always blamed my hubster for being the computer dork, but turns out it's me.

Rex has been in New York since Sunday. It was a good week for him to be gone, because instead of wandering upstairs with him at a reasonable hour to keep from crashing like Sonny Bono the next day, I crammed in overtime on the computer to get some posts done for my new job. Now that I'm up to date, I'll get to write them in a more reasonable fashion while the kids are in school.

Which leads me to the point of the post: Do you know that it's possible to spend your entire life living a virtual life? No - SERIOUSLY.
It took me 3 years, 2 days, and 1.7 minutes to come to that conclusion. Right now, with bloodshot eyes, I'm there.

And so, with no further ado, I'm making the following vow: No writing unless the kids are in school. No Ebaying unless the kids are in bed. No last minute checking the Pay Pal account or Union Bank. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to end up on the street if I'm .28 cents short one Tuesday.

Today I forced myself to just... step... away.

It was hard. The cel phone is still a distraction. And the email. But you know what? It was nice. I couldn't be as happy as I am without my daily does of internet connection - pun intended - but it felt nice to touch up some paint in my house (even if the color is off so now I have to redo the whole room...arrrrgggg) stick my feet in the park sand with Stink and Pip, and eat dinner at Mrs. V's.
I was such a good friend by telling Mrs. V I'll bring two things to help her out: 1. Cranky kids 2. Nothing.
I will be checking with your posts throughout the weekend, but I won't be writing until Monday. I'm thinking the world will live without the minute by minute update on why I should be exercizing, but the muffin top keeps getting fluffier and fluffier. And I can't understand who's sneaking into the house at night and shrinking my jeans!

* Note: I break all vows of silence if Pipsqueak wins the Regis and Kelly Most Beautiful Baby Contest. Yes, Mom, I sold out and pimped her out... errrr... submitted her tonight. It took over 20 minutes to upload because every other mother on the planet thinks her kid is the cutest child alive also and has no shame. Photo above.

Argument back to those of you who would never Britney Spears your child. A) I'm no Mommy Spears. B) I am a full believer in giving girls confidence from the inside (no troubles with Pip, believe me). The world is a competitive place. If Pip can get $125,000 for a college education, I'll take it. (Hell, I'd take a 1000 Walmart gift card, too. Even if I only got 10% as the "agent" fee, do you know how much Zoloft that could buy?)

Yes, I know the odds are against me, but luckily, my girl IS THE CUTEST! Next to yours, of course. So....

It's not to late for you! You can submit your baby at the link above! But if you win, I get a 20% referral fee. Hey, it's da biz, baby!

More of my writing can be found on Goodhousekeeping
& Babycenter. I write under the name Andrea Frazer. Drop me a note! I’d love it! Or don’t.


Liv said...

yes, I am quite sure that my Peep is the cutest in all the land, but somewhere deep might be know?

Valerie said...

great photo. you do nice work in both writing and baby making!
(wait...i KNOW that involves s-e-x...right?)

TroyBoy said...

I saw your comment over at The Geek Inside. You had me at "poop". Your funny. Thanks.

Chris said...

I TiVo R&K everyday, so I'll be looking for her! Seriously, there have been some funky looking kids sent in. lol. Pipsqueak rules!

Susie Q said...

Oh I do think Pip is the cutest...and I gasped at the Britney remark! After all, I just had a huge rant of a post about the Britster.

I would SO vote her in...

Love and hugs,

Pam said...

At the cost of education today, I say go for it. And I say this without reservation because I know you aren't the kind of mom who will turn it into a circus. She's got my vote.

I love your work on GH but, after my first comment, seem to be having a hard time getting in for any more. Last time I tried, the site didn't accept my password and when I checked to see if I had it right, they gave me a new one... which isn't working. Okay, I'm no quitter, so I will try again. Just didn't want you to think I was only good for a flyby, I'm a major fan.

Sandi McBride said...

hmm...I came in here at 7:55 am and posted my blog...I've been checking in on all the blogs I visit's 10:48...cell phones? Don't own one, don't want one...when I'm home I'll answer, if I'm shopping I'm shopping...when I retired from the job, I happily handed the sheriff the damn cellphone and walked is it up!

Susie Q said...

Oh reality, I DO feel sorry for anyone who is going through what SHE is. I really am a pretty gushy person underneath it all!
But I guess, after seeing what so many others deal with, and applying no blame to anyone or thing, I just felt like a good rant! : )
I was re acting to being told that I was *cruel* because I was not overly sympathetic to her because it was the (Pick one) media's, her Mom's, her fan's....fault, NOT hers.

BUt I still think that Pip should be the cutest baby of the year! After all, she IS!!!

Love and hugs,

Hilda said...


Your daughter is beautiful - I hope she wins!

Troyboy turned me on to your Blog and I like it - so I'm adding you to my Blog list if that's OK with you.

Monnik said...

pip is adorable. can we help influence the votes somehow? Is there a link to vote?

And your resolution to 'unplug' is a good one. I try to stay away from my computer as much as I can on the weekends.

I usually crack by Saturday afternoon, though, and play endless games of Bookworm Adventures. I'm a geek.

Steph said...

What? What is this? Are you suggesting that checking e-mail every 15 minutes or so all day every day might be a touch OCD? I thought it was just a for-the-love-of-God-I'm-trapped-in-my-house-with-two-small-children-and-crave-adult-chatter thing. Now I feel insecure. :)

TroyBoy said...

See, Hilda? I told ya so. She is a keeper!

Mama P - you're going to be on my blogroll as well. :-)

Gretchen said...

Pip will win. I'm sure of it. Good for you for stepping away. My muffin top is nearly to my lap, so it's important that I use the computer in moderation, too. :)

ms chica said...

First: Adorable photo!

Second: The Real Business. I have to take the same approach to my computer time recently. I still spend an obscene amount of time on the computer, editing photos, and retouching artwork, but I try to spend less time online. I've finally convinced myself it is okay if I don't comment on every single post, and it is okay if I don't read blogs on a daily basis. The second is harder because the online community has become a valuable facet to my social life.

Dapoppins said...

If she wins, do you have to tell her about the prizes, or can you just take her to the dollar store?

JCK said...

Hey, found out about you from Liv. Congrats on the Good Housekeeping writing gig. Not sure if that is a new job, but congrats anyway. Loved your post about your husband and the dishwasher, laundry, etc.

And I need to WALK AWAY from the computer more, too. Set some boundaries...

Liza on Maui said...

I hope Pipsqueak wins. That's a very beautiful photo of her!