Monday, July 21, 2008

Blogher - Loved It!

I'm back from Blogher. As so many people have said before me, it was an amazing time! Not only was the hotel to die for, but the conferences were informative, there was great swag, amazing food and just so many people to talk to. Combine this with a rockin' city and some extra cash in my pocket for drinks, treats, a new bra, a pedicure and some well needed freedom, I can't complain about a thing.

Well... except for having to throw out $75.00 of face soap on my trip home because I was a dork face and didn't pack correctly.

And the fact that I only had a one day pass to the conference instead of 3 and wasn't invited to any swanky parties where I could kanoodle with Heather Armstrong of Dooce fame.

And the fact that when I did finally see Heather of Dooce fame speak, I was sitting so far back that her head looked like the vintage angel at the top of my Christmas tree after many, many eggnogs. But it was still awesome. I loved what she and many others had to say about the business side of writing.

A big thanks goes out to my husband who not only slipped me surprise cash before I left, but took amazing care of my rug rats. When he picked me up at the airport, he had a huge Diet Coke waiting for me, took me to lunch, and let me sleep for 4 hours. Yeah, I'm bragging. But I can't help it. (Well, I can, but I'm not.) It was super of him.

Now that Monday has settled in, I'm back to the routine of life. I'm also a bit worried since my poor boy is sick for the fourth time this summer. Not a high fever, thank God, but a sore throat none-the-less. Any of you experience this with your kids? He went from immunizations last month to an infected arm, pink eye, strep throat and now this. I'm just tired of him getting ill and am hoping that this is a normal thing for 5 year olds?

The photo above is of myself with Liv (yes, she really is hot in person) Christine from Flutter (equally hot) and my fabulous roomie, JCK from Motherscribe (equally hot.) This "equally hot" thing means nothing as have maybe 2 male readers, but I'm letting you know anyway because they really were such fabulous gals.

A big thanks to my cousin who picked me up in San Jose a few days before and took great care of me. Love you, Dee and Jim!

How was your weekend?
More of my writing can be found on Goodhousekeeping
& Babycenter. I write under the name Andrea Frazer. Drop me a note! I’d love it! Or don’t.


Gretchen said...

Wow! A big-girl weekend...I'm so jealous, but will try to be big myself, and be happy for you. Your husband is such a doll. Very sweet about the extra cash and then letting you come down easily, rather than running home to a list of to-dos. I'll have to remember his graciousness when I pick up Big from the airport this weekend.

QT said...

Oh that is a great pic...wonder who took that? :)

It was wonderful to meet you. And your husband sounds like a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Saw your comment on BlogHer - would love to talk to you, but I can't find your e-mail! I'm at ritabiermann(at)hotmail(dot)com. Let's chat!

kristen said...

it was great to meet and break bread with you saturday - sounds like a great homecoming.

Travis Erwin said...

Somebody should start a bloghim.

Dapoppins said...

You sound like you had such a great time...but I think my favorite part was your husband greeting you with a diet coke...

flutter said...

Dude YOU are hot. your tatas are phenomenal :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I cannot follow Flutter's comment with something lame like, "I'm so jealous, blah blah Blogher blah." I'm sure your tatas ARE phenomenal. :-)

JCK said...

Phenomenal. That's all I'm going to say.

You were the best roomie, evah!

I hope your boy feels better soon.

My kids are seeking vengeance on my having gone away. Vengeance I say!

Anonymous said...

I want to go next year! Maybe we can meet up!

Manager Mom said...

I feel like I keep saying this, but DAMN, I really can't wait to go next year...I don't think I'll get invited to anything, so if you wanna get drunk, I'll be around.

Valerie said...

i love girls-only weekends. man, i wish i could've gone, what a total blast it was!!

p.s. - i think you & i are equally as hot as they are. so there.

His Girl said...

looks like a blast! glad you're home! especially since that means you are going to be home on MONDAY!!! yahoooooooooooooooo!!!! *wink*

Blue Mama said...

I'm jealous too!! *sigh* :)

Sorry your boy is sick, it sucks to be sick in the summertime.

What kind of face wash was it that you had to toss may I ask?
(sorry, I can't help it, I'm a skincare nerd!)

ps: I really would like to send you a lipbalm if you're interested. Let me know.

Anonymous said...

howdy! i wish i could have gone. still soooo jealous. maybe my ovaries on ebay will fetch the airfare for next year. :) and i think the streps under his tonsils. good luck!

Heather said...

so jealous....but hey, Charlie Brown and I are very well second-honeymooned, so wouldn't trade that for the world!