Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It's Beginning To Look Less Like Xmas...

"....And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again..." No truer Xmas song was ever written. Stink went back to preschool today, I regained my sanity (as well as one key made and a car wash) and there is peace on earth.

I had such a wonderful time this year. So many people love my kids. So many people came by. I baked so many fabulous cookies. And now, that damn tree is going out by the curb, people can go back to their own places and I can detox the fridge.

Never have I been so happy for boring normalcy.

Any of you out there have New Year's goals that you plan on breaking next week? I certainly do. And being the over achiever, I hope not to break them. Being half Catholic, half Jewish, I can also flog myself with guilt when I inevitable falter.

Here's my top 10 goals for any of you who care to read them:

1. Be working part time by September in one of 3 capacities (A being the most desired). A: Freelance TV. (Okay, so I am the lamest person on the planet. My pilot is done. I just need to finish one more punch and mail it off. Yes, it's a month over due. I suck so much I can't stand it, but that leads me to my #2 goal below. But first, here's Plan B) Freelance write for magazines. Thank you, Mama P Light, who steered me in that direction. I have the tools. I just need to get those letters out. Which leads me to #3, but finally, plan C: Work part time as an assistant, God help me, in a company I love where I can eventually go full time when the kids are in school, or break in creatively. I suppose Plan D could be to Writers Assist on a show again, but those hours are nuts.

2. Stop badgering myself. I can only do so much as one mama, wife, daughter, friend and so on.

3. Stick to my Monday/Tuesday and Thursday one hour writing deal at night after the kids sleep... (And not blog writing, though I love you all.) I need to focus on my script writing. That's my first love, and as my agent can tell you, it's been on the back burner too long.

4. Get a great office set up for myself. So it's not my dream office, but I'll get that when my script sells (note to self: send script to BridethatWas this week). Meanwhile, I want my black shelves and bulletin board for appointments and nice calendar and fresh paint job. I can do that!

5. Stop obsessing over the little things in the house and get out more, even if it's just to a museum, or a new park, or the zoo. I refuse to turn into Suzy Baseboard Obsessor. Move on. (Though I would kill the pope to have Nate Berkus suprise me with a shelving makeover and one year supply of towels from Linens and Things. Note to self: Write to Nate Berkus)

6. Watch the news for five minutes a day. Or online. It's time to be more aware. If anyone out there knows of a fun news blog, that would work. I find humor makes even the most boring stock report go down more easily. Or at least a bag of Twin Dragon Almond Cookies. And since dieting is not one of my top 10 goals (since I seem to have an eating plan that is already working for me) I can eat whatever during the news. As long as it's in the morning or before 2.

7. Finish my bedroom. I have a scrap book center (translation: my photos in old boxes gathering dust). While I might not ever be part of a crafty clutch, I certainly want my photos and videos in pretty albums or boxes where I can find them more easily. I want my walls covered in beautiful frames of my girlfriends, family and kids. I spend so much time taking pictures and making memories, but then I can't look around and see the fruits of my labor. Also, this center is my space where the kids can't get their paws on it.

8. Learn Civilazation IV for Rex. I hate it so much right now. I don't know a "wonder" from a "culture bar". But he friggin loves it. And more than once he has thanked me for trying to learn. I figure the more I understand it, the more I will get inside his techno brain. Which makes him appreciate me more. Which makes him more open to things I love, like dancing, music and theatre.

9. Laugh every day with my kids and everyone around me. I could die tomorrow, so life's too short to be crazy. If I ever get cancer (God forbid) I'm getting a blue Marge Simpson wig that sits high on my head with a teeshirt that says "I have cancer, what's your excuse?"

10. Not pay so much attention to what I think others think, but try to beat my own drum and wear headphones. I can't please the world, nor is anyone asking me to. It's time to put on my big girl panties and face reality.

Well, that was longer than I expected, but it's done. I am now going to print these and hang them on my bulletin board in my office. I mean, if I had paper in my printer and a bulletin board, I would do that.

See what I mean? Time to get an office!

Please, share your thoughts with me on your goals, or lack of!

(* Pictured: Stink, Pip and me admist floor rip out, Phase 3. I am sad to say, I look every bit of my almost 36 years. Not that 36 is so old, but it's closer to 40 than 30. And I just can't believe how fast the years fly by. Even more reason to stick to my goals and have a blast. Or maybe a blast by a Microabrasion specialist. Whatever.)

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